苏州办公楼设计公司欣赏--斯德歌尔摩Stora Sjöfallet公寓楼发表时间:2022-02-11 19:35 这座新建的公寓建筑坐落于绿意环绕的Husarviken河河畔,成为斯德歌尔摩正急速发展的Norra Djurgårdsstaden地区中极富吸引力的可持续居住建筑。建筑商Viktor Hanson委托Joliark事务所建造的这个项目将助力区域发展,成为将这片工业用地转化为示范性的环境友好型居住区计划中的一环。 Located in green surroundings, right nextto the beautiful Husarviken river, this new residential building offerssustainable and attractive housing in one of Europe’s most extensivecity-development areas in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm. The housing block,designed by Joliark and commissioned by Byggnadsfirman Viktor Hanson, is partof the process of transforming former industrial land into a high-profileenvironmental-friendly neighbourhood. 建筑北侧立面上附属于每间公寓的露台空间让建筑内部的空间格局划分一览无遗。小面积的公寓位于底层,可以从北侧一层的大门进入,再通过走廊来到每一间房间;大面积的公寓位于二层,与南侧的花园层平面直接相连;而三四层则是复式公寓,通过南侧二层的入口平台进入每一间房间。 The allocation of each dwelling is revealedin the north facade where the accompanying balconies compose a sharparchitectural theme. The smallest units are situated at ground level, largersingle- decks above and duplexes on top. All apartments in thisstacked-row-house structure is accessed either through the indoor entrancehallway, the courtyard level or an entrance balcony on the south side. 狭长的建筑被分为了两个相等的体量,中部则是居民停放单车、乘坐电梯的公共空间,人们在这里相遇、交往,认识彼此。 The elongated volume is divided in twoparts where the in-between space functions as a common foyer with indoorbicycle parking and two elevators connecting all entrance floors. 屋顶的楼板仿佛经过了切割、折叠,面对着太阳,形成了一个个如翅膀般极富特色的三角形空间。附着其上的太阳能板吸收着阳光,为室内提供源源不绝的光与热。阳光通过通透的玻璃,洒落在复式公寓的而二层空间之内,而人们通过隐藏其下的楼梯,可以来到其专属的私人屋顶露台,俯瞰Djurgården群岛壮美的全景。 The characteristic roof landscape is givenby – conceptually – slicing and folding up the roof slab, creating triangularwing flaps that are facing the sun. Solar panels placed on the wings catchesthe sunlight energy. The roof wings also function as a natural distributor oflight to the duplexes and serve as physical connections to the private roofterraces. The terraces provide spectacular views of Djurgården recreationalarea and the archipelago. 包括雨棚、楼梯、扶手以及入口平台等在内的所有建筑附属构件都以镀锌钢网打造而成。而在建筑南侧,立面外的入口平台中,这种从钢材到混凝土的材质变化也恰恰暗示了从公共区域到半私密空间的转换。 All complementary building parts such ascanopies, stairs, railings and the access balcony appear as an external webmade out of galvanized steel. The shifting of materials from steel to concrete,draws a border between public and semi-private outdoor space, close to thefaçade, on the south-facing access balcony. 建筑师以最少的建筑材料,雕琢出一个简洁却又引人注目,兼具结构的力与美的建筑。30块混凝土板块纵横交错,构筑出30间大小各异的公寓空间。通透的落地玻璃窗让每一间公寓都坐拥美丽的河景,建筑与自然的边界也因而变得模糊而暧昧。 The design is based on as few material components aspossible – sculpturing a bold, comprehensible and structural grammar. Largehorizontal and vertical concrete elements highlights the framework whichcomprises 30 apartments in various sizes. Each apartment faces the river withlarge glass openings, dissolving the boundary between building and nature. |