常州办公楼设计公司欣赏--挪威Stavern避暑小屋发表时间:2021-10-13 19:13 项目基地由于岩层的关系被分为两片水平区域,二者之间有一层楼高差,较低的平台虽然无法看到海景但防风良好。两个平台之间隔着一段对儿童来说有些危险的深巷,独特的地形环境决定了这里无法建造一座普通的住宅。 The client had bought a site impossible toput up a catalogue house. This special place consists of rock formations withtwo horizontal-like levels, each separated by one floor height. Deep alleysbetween the levels made it a bit dangerous for small children. The lower levelis without sea view, but protected from the winds. 基地 Site 原本在基地最低的平面中间便建有一间小木屋,这使建筑师得以获许在这个特殊的地方建造一栋更适合人生活的避暑小屋。 There was an original cabin placed in themiddle of the lowest level. This made it possible to get permission to build amore suitable summerhouse for the site. 方案 Plan 当把原有的小屋拆除后,优美的高原景色跃然眼前,因此建筑师决定将建筑主体设在小而危险的深巷之上,呈之字形连接两侧平台,平台上方则设置户外休闲活动空间,可以享受**的景观。 The zigzag shaped summerhouse connects the two levels.When taking down the old cottage the natural plateau came alive. It was naturalto build on top of the small, but deep and dangerous alleys. In this wayleaving the best parts of the site for outdoor recreation. |