苏州办公楼设计公司欣赏--锦溪祝甸村古砖窑项目发表时间:2022-03-09 18:54 江南,自古被人们称为人间天堂,这里河湖交错,水网纵横,小桥流水、古镇小城,其中坐落在江南如诗如画风景中的锦溪祝家甸,是一个拥有两千多年历史的江南水乡古镇,素有“中国民间博物馆之乡”的美誉。在锦溪,一直有这样一个说法:“三十六座桥,七十二只窑”。这里曾经遍布制作金砖的窑厂,其金砖文化和古窑文化成为了锦溪历史文化中浓墨重彩的一笔。 Jiangnan of China,has enjoyed the”earthlyparadise”reputation since ancient times of its staggered rivers and lakes,vertical and horizontal water ways, small bridges and tasteful towns. A typicalcanal town named Jin Xi, located in the picturesque scenery of Jiangnan, knownas "the hometown of Chinese folk museum" with two thousand years ofhistory.There is an old saying herebefore "thirty-six bridges must haveseventy-two kilns." Lots ofkilns were produced golden bricks in the past,and the brick kiln culture is soprofound and indispensable for the town. 祝家甸村位于五湖三荡的锦溪,苍茫一色的长白荡西侧,现存明清古砖窑十余座,虽然大多已荒弃,但是尚有几座还在使用。由于生产规模急剧萎缩,村落空心化趋势日益严峻,曾经繁华一时的土地,已然失去了往日的光辉。为了让这片重点历史文化区重新焕发生机,H DESIGN受邀负责整个锦溪祝甸村古砖窑项目的室内设计,包含古砖窑文化馆和主题民宿两大部分。 Zhu Jiadian villageis located on the westside of Jin Xi, still exists more than ten ancient brickkilns of Ming and Qingdynasty, although most of them have been abandoned, buta few are still in use.As the scale of production shrinks dramatically, thetrend of hollowing out ofthe village becomes increasing seriously, the bustling land has lost the gloryof the past. In order to make this historicaland cultural village newborn, HDESIGN was invited to be responsible for theinterior renovation of an oldlarge-scare brick kiln including a cultural museum and a folk inn. 一期的祝家甸村古砖窑文化馆面向长白荡方向临水而建,提供了亲水宜人的休闲环境。砖窑主体一层空间被规划为轻餐饮区和小型主题课堂,二层空间为砖文化展示区、大型会议区等配套功能区,人们在光斑陆离的空间内,感受着轻松、自然、宁静的氛围。在古砖窑文化馆的一层廊下,设计师保留原有建筑风貌的同时进行了多功能空间的重组,注入新的功能与业态,包含水吧、教室、会议室等,让人们在此享受清闲的同时关注传统文化的延展性学习。未来,这里还将作为乡伴创客学院、民宿学院等培训与交流空间,为乡村发展注入新的活力。值得一提的是,位于一层的意大利米汀Emanuele餐厅,设计结合锦溪古窑独有的地理条件,将窑洞升级成了中国**集意餐、酒窖、雪茄吧等多种功能于一体的窑洞餐厅,为人们提供了一处别具一格的聚会休闲场所。 Brick kiln cultural museum was built along waterfront,facing the direction of Changbai swing,provides a pleasant hydrophilicenvironment. The ground floor is mainly plannedas light dining area and asmall-sized theme classroom; the first floor contains brick-cultural exhibitionarea, a large meeting room and other functional spaces where people can feel arelaxed, natural and tranquil spacial atmosphere. Under the corridor of theancient brickkiln culture hall, the designer reorganized multi-functional spacewhile preserving original architectural style, injecting new functions andformats such as water bars and conference rooms, where people can enjoy leisuretime and meanwhile concerning the ductile learning of traditional culture. Inthe future, it will also serveas a training center for exchange of ideas amongrural make-ers, boosting localrural development. Particularly worth mentioningthat is an Italian restaurant called Emanuele,located in the ground floor,thedesigner combined with unique geographical conditions of Jinxi’s ancient kilnto create the first klin restaurant in China setting dining area, wine cellar,cigar bar and other functions, providing a charming gathering leisure place forpeople. |